Chris Brown: Swatting Victim!

Police raced to Chris Brown's home Monday afternoon following a 911 call reporting a domestic incident at his address, but it turns out it was just a prank.
The Hollywood "swatting" crew has struck again.

The caller claimed a mother and father were in a fight at Brown's address, and that the father had gone into another room in the house to get a gun.
At that point the caller hung up, not mentioning it was Chris Brown's house; police arrived and found no evidence of ... anything. Chris was not even there.
This is the latest in a string of celebrity "swatting" incidents - prank calls resulting in cops arriving at stars' homes and causing mass hysteria - in recent weeks.
Last Friday, someone falsely reported a gunman in the home of Kris and Bruce Jenner. The Jenners were actually there at the time of that stunt.
Tom Cruise was another recent swatting victim, though the movie star was not present at the time officials were sent racing over to his address.
Police are determined to catch whomever is doing this, for good reason.